This month, we celebrate flags!
Flags are the representation of people, places, and sometimes even things. They are illustrative of history and cultures, and even the colors used have meaning.
Flags can also be a symbol of togetherness, bringing people together – either as a society, a community, a school, or even a fan of a particular sports team.
Some of our favorite flags:
• All month long, we celebrate Pride, with the iconic rainbow flag. The gay community embraced this flag as a symbol of diversity in 1978. Created by artist Gilbert Baker, each color is assigned a meaning. You can read more about the Pride flag here.
• On June 14th, we celebrated the American flag with Flag Day. What started as a small-town celebration buy a Wisconsin schoolteacher was adopted to the national calendar in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson.
• There’s also flags for celebration! These are our favorites. Last month we wrote about individuality.This is how you let the world know – no matter what it is! To turn a phrase, Let your freak flag fly! That moment when a person who may be a little unconventional or “different” or who’s approach to life may not fit in with others is comfortable enough to be themselves in front of others.
And, of course, some of our favorite flags are at the beach, like the ones that greet us as we walk onto the sand.
In celebration of Pride Month, we are donating a portion of the sales of our Rainbow roll-on sunscreen bottle to raise awareness around the importance of equality to @lalgbtcenter and to celebrate flags, please visit our Amazon store for special Father's Day and July 4th offers this month.
Like our favorite flags, there's a Project Sunscreen for everyone, everywhere, every day.